Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Europarecht und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje

Telefon: +49 345 55-23180

Universitätsplatz 3 - 5 (Juridicum)
06108 Halle (Saale)


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Summer Schools

Der Lehrstuhl von Herrn Prof. Dr. Tietje ist seit vielen Jahren an der Organisation von Summer Schools des Instituts für Wirtschaftsrecht beteiligt.

  • „Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Europäischen und Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts“ - 2007
  • „Economic and Foreign Trade Law of the EU“ - 2006
  • „Challenges for International Business in a Globalized Economy“ - 2009
  • „Management and Legal Challenges in International Financial Markets“ - 2011
  • „Legal and Economic Challenges for Sustainable Food Security in the 21st Century“ - 2016

Nähere Informationen zu all diesen bisherigen Summer Schools hier.

Experience SWUPL Summer Program for International students

Die Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing veranstaltet außerdem jährlich eine Summer School für internationale Studierende.

Informationen dazu finden sich hier: SWUPL Southwest University of Political Science and Law   

Program target:

Foreign students registered in partner universities who are interested in Chinese language, Chinese law and culture.

Aim of the Program:

  • to help students understand Chinese legal system and economic development;
  • to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing of Chinese;
  • to explore and learn the extensive and profound Chinese culture.

Term of the Programm: 8 days (21.05.- 28.05.2024)

Documents required: The scanned first page of your passport.


Each participant has to pay a 200 USD fee which covers accomodation, students card with 100RMB, transportation expenses for outdoor activity, ticket of scenic spots and insurance. Participants also have to pay the air tickets fee and other personal expenses on their own.

SWUPL Summer School 2024
SWUPL Summer School Program Poster.pdf (2,4 MB)  vom 07.03.2024

Summer School 2024 Erfahrungsbericht
China Summer School Erfahrungsbericht.pdf (273 KB)  vom 25.06.2024

Summer School 2023 Erfahrungsbericht
Summer School Chongqing Erfahrungsbericht.pdf (94,6 KB)  vom 24.04.2024

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