Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Europarecht und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje
Telefon: +49 345 55-23180
Universitätsplatz 3 - 5 (Juridicum)
06108 Halle (Saale)
Constitutional Adjudication in the Networked World Order. Structures of Judicial Law-making in Inter-Order Judicial Networks, Doctoral Thesis, 646 pp, Springer: Contributions to foreign public law and international law, 2020 (in German).
Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice, 638 pp, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law, 2020 (with Mota Kremnitzer and Talya Steiner).
Journals/Essays/Book Chapters:
Non-Judicial Rights Review of Counter-Terrorism Policies. The role of fundamental rights in the making of the counter-terrorism database and the data retention legislation in Germany, International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON) Vol. 19, Issue 1 (2021) (forthcoming).
The "cooperation relationship" between the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice after the PSPP judgment - on the sustainability of the European constitutional court network, Der Staat 59 (2020) (forthcoming, in German).
Free movement of persons in the WTO and in regional integration communities beyond Europe, in: Armin Hatje/Peter-Christian Müller-Graff/Ferdinand Wollenschläger (eds.), Enzyklopädie des Europarechts, Band XI, European area of free movement - EU citizenship and migration law, § 17, Baden-Baden 2020: Nomos Verlag, 2020, 507–562 (with Christian Tietje, in German).
The Proportionality Doctrine in the Case-law of the German Federal Constitutional Court. An empirical inquiry with comparative perspectives, Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR) 145 (2020), 75–132 (in German).
Proportionality Analysis by the German Federal Constitutional Court, in: Mordechai Kremnitzer/Talya Steiner/Andrej Lang (eds.), Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, 22–133.
Comparative and Empirical Insights into Judicial Practice: Towards an Integrative Model of Proportionality, in: Mordechai Kremnitzer/Talya Steiner/Andrej Lang (eds.), Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, 542–611 (with Mota Kremnitzer and Talya Steiner).
Introduction: Analyzing Proportionality Comparatively and Empirically, in: Mordechai Kremnitzer/Talya Steiner/Andrej Lang (eds.), Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, 1–21 (with Mota Kremnitzer and Talya Steiner).
The (Non-)Applicability of the Monetary Gold Principle in ICSID Arbitration Concerning Matters of EU Law, in: Stefan Huber/ Christoph Benicke (eds.), National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht. Festschrift für Herbert Kronke zum 70. Geburtstag, Bielefeld: Gieseking Verlag 2020, 1607–1620 (with Christian Tietje).
Judicial Dialogue in European constitutional pluralism: Constitutional identity as a building block of a common European constitutional law, in: Péter Darák/Hanno Kube/ Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor/ Ekkehart Reimer (eds.), Judicial Dialogue at the national and the European level in Germany and Hungary, 2020 (in German).
The Autonomy of EU Law and the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Europe after Achmea, in: Europarecht (EuR) 53 (2018), 525–560 (in German).
also published in: Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 156, Halle 2018, 63 pp.
Network Enforcement Act and Free Speech. Regulating private Internet-Intermediaries in Combating Hate Speech, Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR) 143 (2018), 220–250. (in German)
Ultra vires review of the ECB’s Policy of Quantitative Easing: An Analysis of the German Constitutional Court’s Preliminary Reference Order in the PSPP case, in: Common Market Law Review (CMLR) 55 (2018), 923–952.
Community Interests in World Trade Law, in: Eyal Benvenisti/Georg Nolte (eds.), Community Interests Across International Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018, 191–220 (with Christian Tietje).
also published in: Daniele Amoroso/Massimo Iovane/Fulvio Palombino/Giovanni Zarra (eds.), The protection of general interests in contemporary international law: A theoretical and empirical inquiry, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 29 pp.
also published in: Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 141, Halle 2016, 43 pp.
Constitutional Legitimacy and Constitutional Moments, in: Markus Abraham/Till Zimmermann/Sabrina Zucca-Soest (eds.), Prerequisits of Law, ARSP-Beiheft 150, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2016, 131–141 (in German).
The European Court of Justice and Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement in TTIP and CETA: Between Confrontation, Constitutionalization and Restraint, in: Sinthiou Buszewski/ Stefan Martini/Hannes Rathke (eds.), Free Trade vs. Democracy: Foundation of Transnational Legitimacy, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2016, 83–110 (in German).
also published in: Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 138, Halle 2015, 30 pp.
Contesting the Notion of "The Last Word": Constitutional Courts as Guides, in: Dominik Elser u.a. (eds.), The Last Word ‐ Lawmaking and Judicial Review in a Democracy, Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag 2014, 15–37 (in German).
Modus Operandi and the ICJ’s appraisal of the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement in the Armed Activities case: The Role of Peace Agreements in International Conflict Resolution, in: New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (N.Y.U. J. Int’l L. & Pol.) 40 (2008), 107–169 (Special Issue).
The advance effects of EC-Directives against state-controlled companies, in: Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 13 (2005), 88–104 (with Ferry Bühring).
Book Review of Stefan Grundmann/Hans-W Micklitz (eds.), The European Banking Union and Constitution. Beacon for Advanced Integration or Death-Knell for Democracy? Oxford 2019, in: Common Market Law Review (CMLR) 57 (2020), 607–610.
Book Review (in German) of Christoph Möllers, The Possibility of Norms. On a Praxis Beyond Morality and Causation, Berlin 2015, in: Rechtsphilosophie (RphZ) 5 (2019), 202–209.
Book Review (in German) of Philipp Donath, Proliferation and Legitimation of International Investment Dispute Settlement, Berlin 2016, in: Der Staat 56 (2017), 666–671.
Book Review of Larry Barnett, Explaining Law. Macrosociological Theory and Empirical Evidence, Leiden 2015, in: Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie (ZfRSoz) 37 (2017), 381–389.
Other contributions:
Election campaign of the machines, Methodology Public Law: Mock exam in public law, JURA 2021 (forthcoming, in German).
‘No light fare‘: The German Constitutional Court holds the ECB accountable, Verfassungsblog May 6, 2020, https://verfassungsblog.de/keine-leichte-kost/ , DOI: https://doi.org/10.17176/20200507-013319-0 (in German).
Regime Collision between EU Law and Investment Law: New Developments in the Vattenfall Case, Verfassungsblog, September 12, 2018, https://verfassungsblog.de/regime-collision-between-eu-law-and-investmen... .
also published in: Policy Papers on Transnational Economic Law, Heft 50, Halle 2018, 7 pp.
Autonomy „above all“: A Critique of the ECJ’s Achmea-Judgment, JuWissBlog, March 16, 2018, https://www.juwiss.de/24-2018/ (in German).
Confrontation, constitutionalization, restraint, JuWissBlog, April 21, 2015, https://www.juwiss.de/35-3015/ .
How Constitutional Courts talk to each other: The Potential of the Preliminary Reference Procedure for Europe’s pluralist Verfassungsverbund, Verfassungsblog, November 28, 2014, https://verfassungsblog.de/wie-verfassungsgerichte-miteinander-reden-das... (in German, with english translation).